
Congrats to my new best friend Phil who sent Diabolique v13 today, and still had time to pack in some quality friendship time. Such classic moments......

East/East Spur Heatwave

3rd day of climbing at Hueco and it was huge. A big crew of us got a guided tour out to East and East Spur and had a really good day. Chris started out by doing Slashface v13 on his 4th shot in hot conditions and looked like he could go back for seconds. The temps rose and we all went round to Sex After Death v8 and seiged it. Will and Teegan came within a bees dick of sending it but the greasey rock on this masterpiece will have to wait till our next guide tour. We later hit the brutal crimps of Better Eat Your Wheaties and New Religion. All up it was a great day with a great crew. Everything was captured in 1080HD video so stay tuned for some clips as soon as i can work the software.

Phil Schaal coming oh-so-close on Slashface v13

Chris Webb sending Slashface v13

Kevin Kucovich on Sex After Death v8

Niki Keeney coming real close
to linking Sex After Death v8

To view the trip through the blogs of my partners in crime check out their blogs:

Arriving in Hueco

After sitting on a plane for 25hrs to get to San Francisco and another 24hrs sitting in a car to Texas with Will, Teegan and Chris, we arrived in El Paso yesterday. Today we climbed on North Mountain and all had a really good day.... apart from Wills skin which tore in the 1st hour and bled everywhere:

(photo: Teegan Parsons)

Happy Times. Stay Tuned for photos and videos over the next week.